Qualities of a Good Home Inspector

Now that you’ve decided to hire a home inspector what qualities should you prioritize when choosing a home inspector? These qualities will determine how effective the inspector is.

You want an inspector who puts your interests above those of the bank or the seller and ensures that you get the best value for your money. These qualities include:

1. Diligence

This is one of the most important qualities to look out for. You want an inspector who is not only diligent but also truthful. The best inspectors conduct their inspections diligently.

They are thorough and ensure they inspect every possible area. A diligent home inspector will incorporate the use of infrared inspection. This will determine the exact condition of the home especially in areas that are not visible.

With infrared inspection, you will know how the underneath floors and inside walls are.

Home inspectors who use advanced infrared technologies are able to see hidden issues such as energy inefficiencies, presence of moisture, plumbing issues, termite infestation, etc. Without the help of these technologies, most of these issues will go undetected.

Using such advanced technologies will cost more but it will be worth it.

2. Experience and Expertise

You want a home inspector who has extensive experience handling such inspections. You want an inspector who has an extensive background in repair processes, mechanical and electrical systems, energy efficiency issues, building materials, and modifications.

Having an inspector who understands all this plus new and old building materials will be an added advantage.

An experienced home inspector will know that a radon and mold testing is important regardless of whether the seller has had the home tested. It’s estimated that over 21,000 lung cancer deaths are as a result of radon.

And the worst part is that radon has no odor nor does it have a color. There is possibly no way you can determine the presence of radon on your own. That’s why you need an experienced home inspector who will check for mold and radon.

3. Proper Credentials

When looking for a house inspector near you, make sure they have the necessary credentials. Also, check to see whether the inspector is licensed to work in your state. Confirm that the inspector is part of a national inspectors’ organization.

Some organizations have strict rules that require at least 250 inspections for one to pass the certification test. This rigorous process will check for traits such as ethics and integrity.

An inspector who is part of such an organization will be committed to their code of ethics. This means they will be required to be honest, have strong moral character, and be committed to integrity.

4. Know Their Limitations

Home inspectors are professionals in the building industry-, which means they have a network of connections. This might be a good thing for a prospective buyer and even for the inspector.

You see, an inspector has to go up roofs, inspect plumbing and heating systems. Some of these might be outside his/her realm of expertise. A good inspector knows when to ask for professional help.

For example, when inspecting a roof that is higher than he/she is accustomed to, the inspector can suggest a roofing company that will inspect the entire roof.

5. Ability to Write Detailed Reports

If you are looking to hire the best inspector, look for one that knows how to write a detailed report. You want a home inspector that knows how to package the information in such a way that it’s easy to understand.

The inspector can provide you with a detailed report that has everything including photos and infrared images where applicable. They should also have a summary in a format that is easy to understand.

6. Excellent Customer Service

When you are hiring a home inspector, you probably know that it’s an inspection but you don’t know the fine details. This is where a good home inspector comes in. He/she will try to explain to you the problems or deficiencies of the home in detail.

They should ask questions to understand what it is that you actually want.
A good home inspector should be open to question from the prospective buyer. They should be able to communicate with the client on his/her options regarding the use of technology and the expense the inspection should be.

As an addition, the inspector should have good communication skills, especially when dealing with semi-literate clients.

7. Insurance

Every time you hire a home inspector always, ensure that the inspector is insured. This will protect you as the homeowner in case the inspector suffers an injury while inspecting your home.

Also, the inspector should have personal liability insurance, which will cover the inspector if he/she is sued for negligence as a result of missing something important.

Choose a Good Home Inspector to Protect Your Investment

Look for a home inspector who is delighted to have you in the house while he/she conducts the inspection. This will make it easy for you to understand the inspection process and the report after the inspection is complete. Be sure to ask for references, call those clients, or read online reviews of the inspector and the inspection company.

Ask whether they are members of professional inspector organizations. This will not necessarily guarantee quality but it will guarantee some level of professionalism. Ask about their level of experience and how long they’ve been in the business.

Preferably, hire a good home inspector whose sole job is to inspect homes rather than someone who does it as a side hustle.



